Infosec Island Exposed! #AntiSec

This oughta do it... I'll see you when I get there.

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From: "Anthony M. Freed (LinkedIn Messages)" <>
Date: June 17, 2011 12:32:18 PM CDT
To: Elyssa Durant 
Subject: RE: Infosec Island Now Registering New Bloggers/Contributors


Anthony M. Freed has sent you a message.

Date: 6/17/2011

Subject: RE: Infosec Island Now Registering New Bloggers/Contributors


Well, JadedSecurity is the one who wrote the article blasting Joe black - that was their opinion, we just posted it. Krypt3ia is one of our regular contributors, and apparently not a fan of Black and Berg either. WireheadLance is one of my business partners at Infosec Island. I don't know Reza from Adam. We are an open forum, so we do give some latitude to member who wish to present their opinions, but we try to quash any unfounded personal attacks, as that is not what our site is for. We want open, honest debate, and I was glad to see you posted some comments in response to JadedSecurity's post. Evidence and documentation are key - fight them with the facts! and, have a great weekend...

On 06/16/11 4:44 PM, Elyssa Durant wrote:
hey-- i've got three people who just registered- part of lulz taking hits all over the web, kryp3ia jadedsecurity and wiredheadlance (sp?) they are taking personal attacks and they associated with rezarafarti and the cyberwarzone who i happen to believe is the one who placed LulzSec image on joe's site because he has admin privileges. i told joe that i didn;t trust reza [i've been on this case for over a year] and reza is associated with neils who is associated with skypotrol, firetown and other known hackers on the terror watch list. SO.... i guess i'm not as "appealing" as you thought. i seem to have a lot of enemies out there. tough day to be a SOlo operator in the buckle of the bible belt.

In short, I feel their personal attacks compromise the integrity of infosecisland. Your publication has always been excellent in terms of "news" and they are using the site for muckraking and personal attacks. [i went to journalism school so i'm pretty familiar with the concept]

thanks anthony, what a mess we have on our hands!



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