Kennedy and The Nazis

Kennedy and The Nazis

by J.Marrs,

The Italian media reported that Nagy was president of Permindex, and the board chairman and major stockholder was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the powerful Montreal lawyer who represented the Bronfman family as well as serving U.S. intelligence services. Reportedly, Bloomfield established Permindex in 1958 as part of the creation of worldwide trade centers connected with CMC.

According to a special investigation by reporters David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg in their 1981 book Dope, Inc.- Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S., Bloomfield was recruited into the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in 1938, during the war was given rank within the

U.S. Army, and eventually became part of the OSS intelligence system, including the FBI’s Division Five, where he became quite close with J. Edgar Hoover.

Whatever the truth behind Centro Mondiale Commerciale and its companion company Permindex, and their connection to Kennedy’s assassination, the Italian government saw fit to expel both firms in 1962 for subversive activities identical to those in the much-publicized Propaganda-2 (P-2) Masonic Lodge scandal of the Reagan years.

Today it is clear that Clay Shaw was tightly connected to the CIA and intelligence work despite his denials at the time of the Garrison investigation. It is interesting to note that while serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Shaw worked as aide- de- camp to General Charles O. Thrasher and as a liaison officer to the headquarters of Winston Churchill.

At the time of his arrest in New Orleans by Garrison, Shaw’s personal address book was taken. It revealed the names and contact information of important Europeans, many of them pro-Nazi royalty or Bilderberg members.

Another odd connection was SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff , who had headed the Gestapo in Italy. As part of Allen Dulles’s hide- the- Nazi program, Wolff was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment after the war but served only a week.

In 1983, Wolff and some former SS associates gathered in Hamburg on Hermann Goering’s former yacht, Carin II. The boat then belonged to Goering’s widow, Emmy, whose estate attorney was the celebrated Melvin Belli. Belli had also represented the Nazi- connected actor Errol Flynn, as well as Jack Ruby, the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

Even odder is a letter smuggled out of the Dallas County Jail and later bought by early JFK assassination researcher Penn Jones. Written by Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, the letter stated,

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