Occupy Nashville protests the C.C.A. with mock human auction

Uploaded by krishnaislove on Nov 15, 2011

November 14, 2011
This question was innocently asked: "What's wrong with CCA?" Others did not know what it was: Corrections Corp of America. CCA is Corrections Corporation of America, HQ in Green Hills.
So here's a run-down of what's wrong with making a profit off Prisons?
#1) Conflict of interest: would you like to live in a safer world? Do you want to prevent and decrease crime, including repeat offenses? The people who make money everytime a criminal is locked up don't share your concerns or goals for making a safer world. More crime= more money in their pockets.
#2) Judicial and legislative corruption: Do you want to live in a police state where you or your child could be swept up in a bogus "crackdown"? When CEOs and stock-holders earn dividends off imprisoning other human beings, the system gets rigged. Pay-offs and bribery become rampant, serving the stock-holders bottom line and dehumanizing those society should be protecting. Don't believe it? Ask the over 4000 kids as young as 8 yrs old who were robbed of their youth in abusive corporate "detention facilities" in PA. The judge was literally being paid a kick back for every child he sent for minor rule infractions, and their "sentences" were extended over & over again.
#3) Corporate profitteering steals from We the People: Do you want your tax dollars landing in the pockets of the wealthiest 1%? They already have more than enough. The only customer of the for-profit prison system is our government, and We the People are footing the bill. Why should our money go to waste, while corners are cut, employees are paid near minimum wage with inadequate training, and incident rates soar far above those at public-run facililites.

Nonprofits & Activism

occupy nashville
peace activism
Nashville tennessee


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