TIME: Surrender Immediately 200 Police Surround Black Panthers'

Nation: Surrender Immediately


Shortly after dawn one day last week, about 200 policemen surrounded a three-story brick house in Philadelphia, "Surrender immediately," demanded an officer through a bullhorn. The shouted reply: "You'll have to bring us out dead." The speaker was Chuckie Africa, a spokesman for the house's residents, all members of MOVE, a radical back-to-nature cult that had staved off eviction for 15 months (TIME, Aug. 14).

As the cultists screamed obscenities and their children cried, police used a bulldozer to knock down a wooden barricade and a crane to knock out windows. Firemen pumped streams of water through a cellar window, sending...

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Original Page: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,919800,00.html

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